JJ, aka Phrique from Chicago burbs
Where did you grow up?
Middle of
bumfuck, Indiana.
How was it
growing up there, would you say that it influenced you? It influenced me to NOT
be like anyone there in the least bit. So in a way, you can blame indiana for this. this being me.
When did
you start getting tattoos?
Not till I was 21. I had a mother who would disown me if I even mentioned tattoos. I eventually said fuck it, she's still recovering.
Not till I was 21. I had a mother who would disown me if I even mentioned tattoos. I eventually said fuck it, she's still recovering.
Do you consider tattoos as a
serious art form?
Of course, anyone can draw on canvas. A true artist can draw
PERMANENTLY on someone's skin.
How do you
see the tattoo culture right now?
Very mainstream, which is fine. As long as
there's a mainstream there will always be the hardcore/devoted to stay
underground and always be 2 steps ahead.
What has been your inspiration for
getting them?
I'm on a constant quest to look a certain way. I was not born
with bombs on my neck, blue hair, or a bar going thru my bridge...but I think I should have been. I'll achieve full phrique status soon.
What’s your favorite piece?
be like picking a favorite kid really. My records on my forearms, my hand
flames, my neck bombs. Top 3.
Do you catch people starring at
you because of your ink?
I always get stares, everywhere I go. I'm used to it
now. The tattoos just made it more frequent. People arent afraid to come up and
ask me questions almost daily. Where do you get your ink done? Did it hurt? When
you fell from heaven? Etc.
In your opinion, do your tattoos
change your mood often?
They make me happy. Every time I look at them i'm glad
they are there, I think of how boring my old skin used to look. I know my mood
is definitely raised while getting ink done. I usually fall asleep or talk to
my artist, but afterwards is like a high I can't explain.
What’s your most significant
tattoo and why?
I guess my knuckles. Being my first, and being my official
"fucked for life" piece. So
many people tried to stop me. What will people think? What if you ever need a
9-5 job? What if you are in front of a judge? Etc. If I worried about any of
the above, I have more problems to worry about than my ink.
What advice would you give to
someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
Make sure you really want it. Draw
it on yourself and see how you react to it for a week. Don't just decide you want a tattoo and go in
and pick something off the wall. That's pretty douchey. That being said, if you
like something, fuck what I or anyone else thinks.
What is one
thing that life has taught you?
Will you be getting anymore?
many. I might even go for full head to toe someday. In the near future, probably more sleeve
work, probably bastardino on my rear forearm. Black candy bats and skull
lollipops/cupcakes on my hands. A flaming 8ball on my side calf. I like to
finish what I start. :D
Who does your ink?
After having nightmares with other tattoo artists, I would bitch to my friend
fahts. He got to hear how anal I was about symmetry/placement/them talking too
much, etc. Then miraculously, he became a tattoo artist and is now my one and
only. He hooks me up, I whore him out. He deserves it though, he's the only one I trust with my ink.
Do you have a favorite quote?
Growing up is for quitters. -me
When life gives you
lemons, use them to pelt the handicapped and elderly.
Anything else you would like to
I would like to send a shout out to lil shayshay and bonquiqui and them from 54th and crenshaw.
E-stalk me on Myspace, Facebook, Twitter: /phrique :D