Amber from Pennsylvania
Where did you grow up?
I was born in Biloxi , Mississippi ; but grew up mostly in Indianapolis (aka NaptowN)
How was it growing up there, would you say that it
influenced you?
My life growing up has had its major ups and major downs.
I’ve seen a lot of fucked up things, but who hasn’t? I’ve definitely been
influenced by my friends and family, not my location of residence per say.
When did you start getting tattoos?
I got my first tattoo when I was 16, professionally.
How would you describe your style?
I’m very down to earth and social, so my style is the same
way. I’m fashionable but I don’t belong to any distinct genre.
Do you consider tattoos as a serious art form?
YES. It’s an individual’s way of expressing themselves.
How do you see the tattoo culture right now?
I’m amazed at how much it has grown and become so popular.
It’s still not completely accepted, but it’s getting there!
us a little about your tattoos. I've gotten my tattoos
done in several states, east coast and west coast. I got my first tattoo in Pennsylvania , then some in Indiana ,
Texas , and Arizona . Now I'm back in Pennsylvania getting work done here.
What has been your inspiration for getting them?
I’m not sure…I’ve always been into art and being different
from anyone else and I’ve always loved tattoos. I knew I was going to be
covered at a young age.
What’s your favorite piece?
My half sleeve on my left arm, hands down.
Do you catch people starring at you because of your ink?
In your opinion, do your tattoos change your mood often?
Sometimes, I always feel really good after I get a new piece,
small or large.
What’s your most significant tattoo and why?
My chest, it’s my life story wrapped in one piece.
Will you be getting anymore?
What’s your next tattoo?
I’m having my right sleeve finished.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get their
first tattoo? Go to a good artist, do your research. You can always get a
tattoo removed, but shitty work is something that sucks to live with.
Who have been your artists & their shops? I've done a lot of business with several artist, but I have my main guys who I
will continue to go to even out of state. Trevor Tullis from Artistic Skin Design in Indianapolis , IN
did my half sleeve, full sleeve, lower back, and my heels. Jason Tackett from Enchanted Dragon in Tucson ,
AZ did my chest and rib piece.
Two other artists from that same shop did the back of my neck and my lip.
My newest guys & shop is Built 2 Last inYork , PA.
Kenny Kile did my knuckles and I have plans to have him do a few more pieces on
My newest guys & shop is Built 2 Last in
Robby Miller is currently working on finishing my sleeve for me. I'm also
going to have him do my throat piece as well. All 3 of these shops & all their artists I highly
recommend getting work done at!
What is one thing that life has taught you?
Always put yourself first.
Always put yourself first.
Do you have a favorite quote?
“Be independent, Amber. You don’t need a man to take care of
you, take care of yourself first!”- my mom