Tiffany from Florida
Where did you grow up?
How was it growing up there, would you say that it influenced you?
When did you start getting tattoos?
I was 15 when I got my first and
it’s terrible! It’s a tribal band around my wrist which I hide all the time
with a watch or bracelet. I’ve done 2 laser tattoo removals but it really hurts
and is very expensive, so I’m not sure if I’m eventually going to cover it up
or stick with the tattoo removal. Then when I was 16 I got the tribal tramp
stamp, ugh horrible!! Luckily I have a great artist now who was able to cover
it up. When I was 18 I got the typical cheesy tattoos, a flower, butterfly,
hummingbird, and horoscope symbol. Then I stopped with tattoos until I was
about 28 and I just went for it! I covered up all those bad tattoos that didn’t
have any meaning to them. I am glad I waited until I was older, because now I
know who I am and what I like and want.
Do you consider tattoos as a serious art form?
Do you consider tattoos as a serious art form?
Yes, I definitely believe tattoos
are a serious art form. Tattoos can express without the use of any words,
things about a person.
How do you see the tattoo culture right now?
How do you see the tattoo culture right now?
Tattoos have definitely become a
lot more accepted then they have been previously. Shows like LA Ink and Miami
Ink have really taken tattooing into mainstream America . Tattoos aren’t just for
sailors and freak shows anymore! Hell, even Miley Cyrus has tattoos! But you
are always going to have the people who judge, and who don’t understand, and
who will look down on you for having them. I have a college education, my own
car, home, job…yet I’ll get looked at like a scumbag sometimes. You just have
to take the good with the bad and not care about what people think.
What has been your inspiration for getting them?
What has been your inspiration for getting them?
I was a Medieval history major in
college and all my tattoos seem to follow that general theme. Every year I
travel to Europe and while there, I look for
things that could go into my next tattoo. For instance, my back piece is
essentially a collage of different Medieval period paintings, such as frescos,
woodcuts, and stained glass images taken from seeing them while traveling. For
my back my artist didn’t have to actually come up with any of the images
himself, he just drew them out from the actual real life painting or fresco or
whatever. I love history and Europe and it
really means a lot to me to have these images tattooed on me.
What’s your favorite piece?
What’s your favorite piece?
I am in love with the gypsy woman
tattoo on my left side. My artist Gabe Tucker did an amazing job and it came
out way better than I ever expected. He really blew me away on that one.
Do you catch people starring at you because of your ink?
Do you catch people starring at you because of your ink?
Oh God yes all the time!!
Sometimes I’m ok with it and sometimes I’m not. My boyfriend hates it. I get
good looks and bad looks from people every day. But that is to be expected when
you have a lot of tattoos. I am still trying to get used to it myself. If I’m
really not in the mood, I’ll just wear jeans and a long sleeve shirt and then I
am invisible ha!
What’s your most significant tattoo and why?
What’s your most significant tattoo and why?
I really like the tattoo I have on
my stomach. It is the sacred heart in front of a stained glass window with the
phrase, “Memento Mori.” Translated from Latin it means, “Remember your
mortality", "Remember you must die" or "Remember you will
die.” It names a genre of artistic creations that vary widely from one another,
but which all share the same purpose; to remind people of their own mortality.
The phrase has a tradition in art that dates back to antiquity. This was also a
very common phrase on tombs during the Medieval period.
What’s your next tattoo?
What’s your next tattoo?
I plan on doing a mosaic style
portrait of Our Lady of Perpetual Help on my upper right thigh. But it probably
won’t be for a while, because I want to totally finish my back first before we
go on to something new.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
I would tell them to definitely
stop and think about what they want and not to rush into it. Don’t just walk
into a shop and pick flash off the wall, because the design looks cool or
something. Make sure to have the artist draw it up and be sure that you will be
comfortable with something permanently on your body. Don’t go with fads, because
those come and go so quickly. Get something that you know you’re not going to
get sick of or grow out of. Research shops and artists online beforehand, don’t
just go into a random shop and get tattooed by whoever is available. It took me
months to find the shop that I go to now. I have to wait about 1-2 months for
an appointment, because they are so booked up, but it is well worth it.
What is one thing that life has taught you?
What is one thing that life has taught you?
To guard your heart, choose your
friends wisely. Also to do what truly makes you happy, not what someone wants
you to do.
Will you be getting anymore?
Yes definitely! I keep telling myself that I am
going to stop after this one or that one, but I just keep on going.
Will you be getting anymore?