Kelly Eden from Denver ,
Where did you grow up?
Evergreen, Colorado .
How was it growing up there,
would you say that it influenced you?
Evergreen is a small little town hidden
in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains . It's
a beautiful, lavish terrain full of lakes, lush forests, and valleys. It's an
ideal place to grow up (or use as the setting for an epic adventure). It's
safe, secluded, beautiful, and small. It really lives up to its name,
We had a great school system, the
community was really active with our education. Though at a very young age I
started to recognize that I was somehow different then everyone else. I never
seemed to "fit in" with everyone else. I was a black sheep that stuck
out like a sore thumb. With each year I struggled more and more with school,
peers, and psychological difficulties. I was teased and alienated
from kindergarten all the way to high school.
It wasn't until I was accepted into the Denver School
of the Arts during high school that I finally fled Evergreen and joined a flock
of black sheep- I was happier then ever.
Oddly enough it's the people in
Evergreen that doubted me who influence me to do everything that I do. There’s
something about proving someone wrong that makes success so much sweeter.
When did you start getting
I started when I was 18 years
Honestly I never even wanted any
tattoos to begin with. I always thought, "that's not for me". I had
even been working in a tattoo shop for a few months and had dozens of free
tattoos offered to me. But I never thought twice about getting one (though
many of my co-workers and friends nagged me to do it). Maybe I still had the
Evergreen mentality "Look different = get excluded".
Anyway, I remember the day I knew
I had to have a tattoo- It was a slow day at the shop and one of the artists
showed me a stack of tattoo magazines he had stashed away. I flipped through
for a while, when suddenly- BOOM! I saw the new wave of hyper realistic
portraiture tattoos and I was hooked. A few months later I flew out to California to the very
first MUSINK convention to get my first tattoo.
How would you describe your
A Hyper realistic renduring of
reflective light and color (and magic).
Do you consider tattoos as a
serious art form?
Tattoos are as serious as the user
takes them. Art is here to enrich our daily lives. Just because it's part of a
different genre that doesn't fit the "norm" of
society doesn't make it any less important.
Andy Warhol once said, "An artist is somebody who
produces things that people don't need to have." That’s all art is,
it's an object made to enrich our daily lives. This kind of art just happens to
be on a living, breathing Canvas. No one NEEDS to have a tattoo, it's not a
necessity of life and it is quite useless. We get tattooed because we can,
because we want to. That’s part of the beauty of having tattoos. It's all a
choice and a commitment that we make in the name of art. It's a form of self
expression for the artist and the person receiving the tattoo. In
this way, body modifications are a collaboration between the artist and
the person being modified. I could go on and on about the meaning behind body
modifications, but what I think doesn't matter, I have my own meaning and so
does everyone else. Body art only means something to the person that has them.
No one else matters.
"Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the
world has known." - Oscar Wilde
How do you see the tattoo
culture right now?
It's based around pop culture,
It's the trendy, "fashionable" thing to do nowadays.
That doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing. A Body Modification is one of the only truly selfish things we can
do to ourselves. We willingly and purposely put ourselves through
pain to express our personal identity. Modifying our body makes us outlaws, it
captures attention wherever we go. It's a brave move
that enables us to make a statement.
I'm not saying it’s a bad thing to be
selfish, I think it’s really beautiful action. It's important to be selfish sometimes.
To me it’s about a desire for one to express themselves, to record
the actions in their life, or define their personality and unique selves to the
world they live in. Somehow it affirms their individuality. In
this case, I think the most beautiful part of each picture is the frame.
That’s all tattoos are... They’re art.
What has been your inspiration
for getting them?
My life, my adventures, my inspirations,
my loved ones.... and unicorns.
What’s your favorite piece?
That’s a hard question. That's
like asking which of my children is my favorite (Not that I have any kids- but
you get the idea).
When it comes down to it my Barbie portrait is my
favorite tattoo. I love looking at her, she's beautiful! It’s one of my
favorite memories growing up and she still remains an important figure in my
life. It's almost like having my security blanket tattooed on my arm, but at
the same time she's a simple reminder of what a strong woman I know I am.
Do you catch people starring at
you because of your ink?
People stare at me for a lot of
reasons: Pink hair, piercings, tattoos, weird clothes, dark makeup, boobs,
ass.... you know.
I'm so used to people staring, I
hardly notice it anymore. I don't mind them staring, what’s the point of having
tattoos if no one gets to look at them?
Usually people will ask (if they
take the time to stare at it long enough). It's interesting to see how people
react to them and hearing the meaning behind them. I've shared the most
personal and treasured stories of my life with hundreds of strangers I've met
for 10 seconds because of my tattoos.
In your opinion, do your tattoos
change your mood often?
Well, it sure changes the way people look at me and treat me.
Oddly enough I've found that to be empowering and motivating. So maybe it
doesn't change me as a person, it just changes the space around me.
What’s your most significant
tattoo and why?
On my shoulder I have the first edition Easy
Bake Oven Box from 1964. My mom is actually the little girl on the box; she was
in the commercials when she was 5 years old.
My mom lived a hard life growing up and she still fights
like hell to support her family. She's the most amazing woman in the world to
me and I love her more then anything else on this planet. This is my tribute to
What’s your next tattoo?
I Think I'll be getting my Unicorn
tattooed on my inner arm to complete my sleeve (and to finally gain all of my
magical powers).
What advice would you give to
someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
First of all, you have to KNOW
what you want. Don't let that needle touch your skin until you have a flawless
design that you're in love with. Don't bother getting something tattooed unless
you can't live without it. A tattoo is a permanent mark that represents YOU and
your journey. It's an illustration that's attached to you for the remainder of
your life.
Second; this is YOUR body- no one else’s.
Don't brand yourself with someone else’s name. It doesn't matter if it's your
child, a fallen friend, or someone you love. I'm not saying that you shouldn't
get tattoos in tribute of your loved ones. There's a big difference between
getting a name and getting an image of something that represents them. It shows
you took the time to think of something that details your connection with them.
Remember, a tattoo is art, not a labeling tool.
See life not only as your creation, but as your mirror.
What is one thing that life has
taught you?
You are entirely the creator of your reality. Not just
partly—all of it. You create it with your thoughts, feelings and
Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or whether you
think you can’t, you are probably right.”
What you think becomes you, what you feel follows you, what
you believe builds around you.
Will you be getting anymore?
Oh, yes. I have a long wish list
of tattoos I want and it's getting longer every day.
I love getting tattooed, almost as
much as I love my unicorn.
Do you have a favorite quote?
Vincent Van Gogh. Everyone said to
him, "You can't be a great painter, you only have one ear." And you
know what he said? "I can't hear you."
Anything else you would like to
not about the light at the end of the tunnel. Forget about it, and stop trying
to get there as fast as you can.
The tunnel is where it's at. Experience it.
The tunnel is where it's at. Experience it.