Ronni Riley from California .
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in a small town in Southern, Ca. about 30 minutes
South of Santa Barbara.
How was it growing up there, would you say that it
influenced you?
Growing up in a small town sucks! Everyone knows your
family, your last name, can’t really get away with much! Luckily it’s a very
beautiful place to call home and I am now fortunate. It influenced me to get
the fuck out! Haha, I left pretty much as soon as I was of age.
When did you start getting tattoos?
I was 16 when I got my first tattoo. It began much before
then though due to tattoos being big in my family. I refer back to when most
girls are playing with Barbie’s, I was drawing on tattoos.
How would you describe your style?
My style….It’s a mixture, depends on my mood. I will always
have a love for Pin-Up/Retro and try to fit it into my style regularly, but I
am also the jeans and Cons kinda girl, more rockabilly.
Do you consider tattoos as a serious art form?
I do. Much more so than the main stream shit that’s popular
now. The art originated way before our time.
How do you see the tattoo culture right now?
As I stated in the previous question, it’s kind of turned
into a main stream trend. People do it now to fit in with the crowd instead of
stand out like it was back in the day. You’re no longer different if you have
What has been your inspiration for getting them?
My Auntie. She began getting tattooed in the 70s from Rick
Walters, soon after he began as an artist and I grew up seeing her covered in
ink. I never thought twice as I got older.
What’s your favorite piece?
So far I’d have to say my giraffe print daisy on my elbow. I
have a love for giraffes and my artist nailed it, she created exactly when I
had in mind. Then again, my hummingbird and heart on my chest, my most recent
piece which is taken from the art of Glenn Arthur, it’s so beautiful! I love
seeing it everyday.
Do you catch people starring at you because of your ink?
Of course! That’s when you say, “Take a picture, it’ll last
you longer”, it’s more of a compliment then an insult.
In your opinion, do your tattoos change your mood often?
They make me happier! I love seeing them, they really do
make me smile.
What’s your most significant tattoo and why?
The one that means the most to me is on the back of my neck.
My mom and sister have the same one and it is an eye, heart, U, Tons, which is
a saying my mom has used for my sisters and I forever. It means the world.
What’s your next tattoo?
The next piece will be one of Mucha’s stunning works of art
that will take up most of my right thigh!
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get their
first tattoo?
Do it! I am always the devil on your shoulder when it comes
to tattoos and piercings. I don’t see it as a mistake in anyway, but more of a
What is one thing that life has taught you?
It’s a shitty thing to learn, but you can’t depend on anyone
but yourself.
Will you be getting anymore?
Of course!!!
Do you have a favorite quote?
Mainstream but, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
It’s so true it’s sickening! So many ups and downs these days, it’s hard to get
through life without battles which beat you up and push you down, but if you
can get up, say fuck the world and come back stronger, you’re that much more
likely to make it.
Anything else you would like to add?
Thank you so much Mr.Tattoos for asking me to be a part of
your site! It truly means a lot to me to be featured and I appreciate it very
Please check me out at facebook.com/ronniriley and ronniriley.tumblr.com for
other pictures and always updated tattoo photos! Thank you again!!