Renee from California
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in the OC in southern CA,
between Orange and HB.
How was it growing up there, would
you say that it influenced you?
Growing up here was pretty average
to me. I was a happy kid, loved riding my bike and having sleepovers. I never
grew up rich or with a big house, or a lot of money, I have always appreciated
the little things in life.
When did you start getting tattoos?
I got my first tattoo two days after
my 18th birthday and just haven’t stopped! I was dating a tattoo artist for a
long time and he tattooed me whenever so they kept adding up!
How would you describe your style?
I don’t believe I have a,
"certain style", I am just me. I could be wearing a tank top,
leggings and flip flops one day, then a t-shirt, jeans and chucks the next day.
I even will wear a cute girly dress some days. I just wear what I want,
whatever I feel looks good. But I am an all-around G. ;)
How do you see the tattoo culture
right now?
I see the tattoo culture as
something that is growing more and more and in all becoming more accepted. I
feel being tattooed is just a form of expression, on how you felt at that moment.
Tattoos tell a story no matter what it is.
What has been your inspiration for
getting them?
My inspiration for having my tattoos
is life. All my tattoos represent some part of life. Nature, feelings, beauty,
hate, etc.
What’s your favorite piece?
It’s hard to pick my favorite piece, cause I really do love all my work, but I adore my thigh piece so far. It’s better than what I could have imagined and I love the burst of color. It’s a phoenix. It represents passion and strength.
It’s hard to pick my favorite piece, cause I really do love all my work, but I adore my thigh piece so far. It’s better than what I could have imagined and I love the burst of color. It’s a phoenix. It represents passion and strength.
Do you catch people starring at you
because of your ink?
I actually do catch a lot of people
looking at my tattoos, but I don’t mind at all. I usually just smile and answer
any questions from people, I like when others appreciate my work as I do. There
are those creeps who stare hardcore though and don’t say anything, and look at
me like I’m a walking freak show!
What’s your most significant tattoo
and why?
My most significant tattoo is
probably my sleeve. It has a lot of bright colors and girly flowers. It was my
first big piece, I worked on and I love it.
What’s your next tattoo?
I’m not too sure what exactly my
next tattoo is gonna be, since I’m still working on my thigh piece, but I have
been thinking about getting script writing on the inside of my foot. We will
What advice would you give to
someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
Make sure you research your tattoo
artist work. I have seen TOO many gorgeous girls with shitty work and regret
it, or they want it removed or covered. It’s best to get it right the first
time and be sure it’s what you want.
What is one thing that life has
taught you?
You can never expect anything from
anyone, you can only do your best and hope for happiness.
Will you be getting anymore?
I will always be getting tattoos. I’m
gonna be all old still getting tattooed, haha :)
Anything else you would like
to add?
I get all my tattoos done by Jason
"Jdogg" Kirkpatrick of Lefty's Tattoo in Orange, CA. He is a very
talented artist with 14 years experience.
Megan Renee