J-Lie, I am a Local Tourist, I’m in every city.
did you grow up?
from everywhere, I can’t really say I’m from one city: New York, Los Angeles,
How was
it growing up there, would you say that it influenced you?
I am
versatile and well-rounded from living in 3 of the biggest cities. I am very
cultured and open minded because of these differences these cities contain. It
shows up in my music and in my lifestyle.
did you start getting tattoos?
When I
was 17 years old. My older sister and brother in law helped me make it happen
since I was underage. Unforgettable.
would you describe your style?
Do you
consider tattoos as a serious art form?
I do.
It’s definitely a well-respected art form. Most tattoo artist I know are very
artistic in many other things than just ink on a body. They paint, design
graphics, or even airbrush.
How do
you see the tattoo culture right now?
there’s many ways to look at it. I honestly hate the fact that it is a trend in
the hip hop culture right now because they do not respect it as the art. I see
a lot of people just getting tattoos just to fill up their body like it’s a
competition. It’s funny, the classic filling up your body with stars makes me
laugh every time. I believe in quality over quantity and that’s in all aspects
of life. There are so many people out there looking for a bargain instead of
paying a good dollar for a good tattoo. I think rappers and basketball players
have the worst tattoos. I respect the culture and always have; especially since
my brother is a tattoo artist.
has been your inspiration for getting them?
tattoos are my autobiography. They all have very important meanings in my life
and symbolize events, thoughts, or beliefs of mine.
your favorite piece?
really love them all. One of my favorites is the 4 playing cards (Queens) I
have. Each queen card represents 1 of the 4 queens in my life. My mother, my
wife, and my two sisters. Four of a kind.
Do you
catch people starring at you because of your ink?
a given. Luckily I do not care. I have been stared at my whole life because
people are always trying to figure out “What I am”. The tattoos just add
on now. But I do not judge people looking at me. I would stare too.
In your
opinion, do your tattoos change your mood often?
I don’t
see how a tattoo can change a mood. I mean, the way I got started in really
going in on tattoos was my older sister passing away and the ink was my
therapy. None of them hurt me physically when in the mind state I was in.
your most significant tattoo and why?
angel wings on my back have my sister’s name “Precious” and her unborn son
“Tre” in the middle. When she died in 2005, I left her wake and went straight
to the tattoo shop. The crazy thing was my mom gave me the money to do so.
your next tattoo?
advice would you give to someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
I tell
them to get something that has a meaning and not just to get one to get one.
Also, to make sure that you get a good artist and not try to look for the best
your biggest inspiration, what keeps you going?
family, I do everything for my family. The name on the back of my jersey I wear
every day and everywhere. I represent them and I work for them. I will not
sleep until they are all taken care of.
What is
one thing that life has taught you?
mother taught me to never look back on life and regret anything or say, “I wish
I would have done this… or wish I would have done that”. Living with that, I
have taken chances and excelled so much in life’s choices.
you be getting anymore?
course! I can’t imagine when I am going to stop. As long as I’m alive I’m sure
I will have the urge to get tattooed.
Do you
have a favorite quote?
who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter”
else you would like to add?
album “Local Tourist” is available on iTunes right now. Check it out.