Kristen Leanne from California
Where did you grow
I grew up in San
Diego, I moved out when I was seventeen and hit the road for Baton Rouge,
Louisiana. I had a boyfriend there.
How was it growing up
there, would you say that it influenced you?
What influenced me were
my friends and my upbringing. My parents are Christian and they were pretty
hard on me. I wasn’t allowed to do much and I had to be home before dark if
they even let me go anywhere. I hung out with the punk rock stoners – my friend
Jessica taught me the ropes as she was older. She’s one of my best friends to
this day.
When did you start
getting tattoos?
I started wanting to
get tattoos in middle school, then meeting my friend Jessica in high school
made it more than a want, it made it a “need”.
How would you
describe your style?
There’s no describing
it. I’m not only a chameleon in the modeling world between high fashion jobs,
commercial and alt, I’m also a chameleon in my day to day life. So my style is
whatever I feel like that day. Just last night a guy asked me, “what is that
style? Are you a sailor?” I said, “No, I’m Kristen. What are you, an asshole?”
I dislike most of the human population. If you think outside the box and do
what you want, they always have to try and make you feel stupid.
Do you consider
tattoos as a serious art form?
I don’t consider
anything serious really. I do consider it an art form. I love to be able to
collect someone’s permanent artwork (mixed with my likes and ideas).
How do you see the
tattoo culture right now?
Well the first love I
ever had was a tattooer in LA. I was introduced to the tattoo culture through
him and viewed everything as he viewed it. I adopted his opinions and thoughts
and slightly changed them to form my own. I still see most of it the way he
does though. I think it’s great. But it has also attracted so many fucking
posers and losers. Everywhere you look there’s some douche bag trying to tattoo
and he can’t even draw a stick figure. But then again, hey, we need those
losers to tattoo the losers that want butterfly tramp stamps right?
What’s your favorite
I don’t have one.
They’re like your children, you don’t really ever have a favorite. Well I guess
that’s a bad example because I don’t like kids, but you get the point.
Do you catch people
starring at you because of your ink?
Yes, but because of
these lame tattoo television shows that make them feel comfortable with people
with tattoos they have the balls to come up and grab at me and ask me about
them. Let’s all start being serious assholes to rude people like that again
like back in the old days. Then maybe they wouldn’t over step their boundaries
and grab at everyone with tattoos and ask them lame questions.
In your opinion, do
your tattoos change your mood often?
No, they’re just a
part of me. I change my mood.
What’s your next
My next tattoo will
be on my right calf. I’m getting it in 3 days. It’s a two headed vulture
sitting atop a dead girls head, courtesy of the amazing Eric Kuiken of Guru
Tattoo in SD. He knows how to draw hot women! WWW.ENOSART.COM
What advice would you
give to someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
It will be there
forever and your kids WILL ask you about it… and so will your next boyfriend.
What is one thing
that life has taught you?
To those of us that
live in the REAL world, not mommy and daddy’s world..nothing is ever given to
you. You have to make it happen for yourself. Ambition is key.
Will you be getting
The only part of me
that I do NOT want tattoos is my chest and the front of my neck. Everything
else will be done someday.
What do you do for a
Following in my dad’s footsteps! I own two businesses. I own a jewelry line that I design called,
Following in my dad’s footsteps! I own two businesses. I own a jewelry line that I design called,
Sideshow By The Sea – www.SideshowByTheSea.com.
My signed prints are
available in the gallery section.
I also own a workshop
Housewife To Sex Kitten
– www.HousewifeToSexKitten.com.
On top of those two
things, I bartend and I’m also a signed model.
Do you have a
favorite quote?
I don't know anything about luck. I've never banked on it, and I'm afraid of people
who do. Luck to me is something else: hard
work -- and realizing what opportunity is and
what isn't."