Jennifury from Tennessee
Where did you grow
How was it growing up
there, would you say that it influenced you?
Growing up in this
part of Tennessee has not so much influenced me to become the person I am today,
but more so the person I did not want to be. Where I am from still has the old
fashioned point of view on body modifications of any form. If you look or act
differently than the norm you are automatically damned.
When did you start
getting tattoos?
I started getting
tattooed when I was 16 years old.
How would you
describe your style?
My style consists of
a little bit of punk rock, a dash of rock and roll and a whole lot of sex
appeal. I really don’t put myself into one genre of style I embrace all
different forms.
Do you consider
tattoos as a serious art form?
I 100% consider
tattoos a serious art form. Anything that alters your appearance permanently can
only be viewed seriously. Tattoos are my way of self-expression and to me
allowing people to see how the world looks through my eyes is something like a
big deal.
How do you see the
tattoo culture right now?
The tattoo culture is
booming right now. Everywhere you turn you see people with tattoos or talk to
someone who wants one. The tattooed community still faces some bias in areas
such as the work place, but it’s something that is becoming a thing of the
past. I mean look at the media these days, television shows like, “LA Ink”,
were nowhere to be seen ten years ago.
What has been your
inspiration for getting them?
I cannot sit and say
that every one of my tattoos has meaning or I was inspired to get them because
of some life changing event. There have been several times that I see something
that I find beautiful and I feel the need to have it right then and there.
What’s your favorite
My favorite piece
would have to be the back piece that I have in process right now. The piece is of a Baku, which is a Japanese
spirit creature known for devouring nightmares. The creature works something
like a dream catcher would in Indian culture.
Do you catch people
starring at you because of your ink?
I catch people all the
time looking at my tattoos. You would think that being tattooed this heavily
for almost years that it would be something I have gotten used to, but some
people are not as receptive to my appearance as others. Some people will say
how beautiful they are and others remark at how I have ruined myself. This is who I am and I am okay with that.
In your opinion, do
your tattoos change your mood often?
I don’t really feel
that my tattoos change my mood so much, but I don’t see them as anything more
than an extension to who I am.
What’s your most significant
tattoo and why?
My most significant
tattoo would have to be the owl on my left thigh. I have always loved owls, but
this wise old owl is a daily reminder of my mother and father. I have always
been very close to my parents and they have given me so much wisdom over the
years. It’s a symbol of what I have taken away from our relationship as I have
grown up.
What’s your next
I wouldn’t really
call it my next because it is in process now, but my back piece will be a work
in progress for some time. The piece starts at my neck and will cap at the
bottom of my buttocks. After that I plan to get my right thigh covered with an
octopus. I do believe unless that changes over the next few months.
What advice would you
give to someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
Make sure you get
something you really want to live with forever or something that can be easily
removed or covered. I made the mistake when I was younger of getting a few
silly pieces that are now in process of being removed/covered.
What’s your biggest
inspiration, what keeps you going?
I mean I have gone
this far with getting tattooed why stop now! There is only so much real estate
on my body left and we only live once, so I am going to make the best out of
What is one thing
that life has taught you?
Do not take anything
for granted especially the people in your life that you love. We do not have
the promise of tomorrow, so it’s very important that the people you love know it
every day of your life. No regrets.
Will you be getting
Definitely, I will
stop when I run out of room or when I start looking like a kaleidoscope.
Do you have a
favorite quote?
“Imperfection is
beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than
absolutely boring.” --Marilyn Monroe
Anything else you
would like to add?
Live everyday like it’s
your last and never change who you are to please someone else.
is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the