Vany Vicious from Florida
Where did you grow up?
How was it growing up there, would you say that it
influenced you?
Honestly, I don’t think growing
up in Miami influenced me much. There are a lot of stuck up people in Miami and
I def. didn’t want to be that way. I don’t remember seeing a shit ton of tattooed
people while growing up either.
When did you start getting tattoos?
I started getting tattooed at 14!
How would you describe your style?
Color, color! Color! Color! Color!
Do you consider tattoos as a serious art form?
Of course! Probably THE most
serious, because it’s permanent.
How do you see the tattoo culture right now?
Well, there are people who have
been “in the game” forever, and then there are people who get tattooed because
they see it on TV and because of the popularity tattooing has gained from those
things. So I see things two different ways. I see the serious collectors and
artists, and then I see the 16 year old boys tattooing their hands to look
tough. Also, the scratchers who have been at it for a week and trying to do
portraits on necks.
What has been your inspiration for getting them?
I’ve just always liked the way
they looked. Once I started body piercing and working at a shop, being around
it all day just made me want to get more and more .My dad had a few while I was
growing up, so I guess it’s safe to say it’s his fault.
What’s your favorite piece?
I have 3 favorites, I can’t
choose one. The first is a color portrait of my brother that I have on my ribs.
The second is my hand piece, it’s a vintage style perfume bottle, and the third
is the rose on my neck. All done by Vic Fernandez.
Do you catch people starring at you because of your ink?
Always! I work in a small city
inside Miami called Hialeah. People here are very old school. I often get
preached to about finding Jesus and all that.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get their
first tattoo?
Make sure you want it and that you’re
not going to regret it. Also, make sure you’re ready to handle it, not only
pain wise but also the commitment .
Will you be getting anymore?
Yep, still got some space like my
legs and back.
What’s your biggest inspiration, what keeps you going?
My little brother, I just want
to keep pushing and keep grinding to build a name for myself. I want to be able
to give him the amazing life he deserves. I want to buy him anything he wants!
What is one thing that life has taught you?
Trust No Bitches!
Do you have a favorite quote?
“I never lie because I don’t
fear anyone. You only lie when you’re afraid”
Anything else you would like to add?
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