Morgan Joyce, New Jersey!
Where did you grow up?
New Jersey, born and raised.
How was it growing up there,
would you say that it influenced you?
I love NJ. I don't care how the media portrays it.
It's the most beautiful place in the world to me. My particular town is full of
stuck up, judgmental people. And I fully think that influenced me to break away
from tradition and be myself.
When did you start getting
As soon as I turned 18.
How would you describe your
Sexy classy, not messy
Do you consider tattoos as a
serious art form?
Absolutely. My skin is my
canvas and my tattoos are my art.
How do you see the tattoo
culture right now?
It's a little disappointing seeing 14 year olds
tattooing “Yolo” on themselves, but other than certain subcultures, I think the
entire tattoo industry and culture as a whole is continuing to evolve and grow
and become more and more beautiful and accepted.
What has been your
inspiration for getting them?
I really am not sure. It's
just so beautiful to me I can't picture living a life without them.
What’s your favorite piece?
The giant pig on my stomach.
Do you catch people starring
at you because of your ink?
Yes, all the time.
In your opinion, do your
tattoos change your mood often?
My tattoos are a part of me; I really don't even
notice they are there. So I can't say they change my mood. Unless I'm getting
one, then I'm just nervous as hell.
What’s your most significant
tattoo and why?
I have a piece on my thigh that was done over self-harm
scars. It's in my mom’s handwriting. This tattoo really means the most to me.
It reminds me where I've been, how far I've come, and where I will never
return. I am a recovered self-harmer and proud.
What advice would you give to
someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
Think it out, but more
importantly, make sure the artist doesn't suck.
Will you be getting anymore?
Of course!
What’s your biggest
inspiration, what keeps you going?
Is it bad to say I keep myself going? I have no one to
impress. I have no standards to live up to. I set the bar for myself, and work
hard every day as a hair stylist and model, to please MYSELF and no one else.
What is one thing that life
has taught you?
Don't take yourself too
Do you have a favorite quote?
"The world will tell you
who you are, until you tell the world" -Unknown.
Anything else you would like
to add?
I live a selfless, vegan,
cruelty free lifestyle. And I have a sick obsession with Pigs, they're just too
Photographer's Credit:
Tammy Cedar - 1,2.
MainEventPhotos77 - 3.
D Glenn Photography - 4.
Joshua Evans Photography - 5,6.