Lisa Zee from Ohio
Where did you
grow up?
How was it
growing up there, would you say that it influenced you?
Ohio where I grew up was a nice little suburb. Nothing crazy, good people, nice
neighborhoods! It really only influenced me to want to see and experience
bigger, better things in the future! I love traveling more than anything!
When did you
start getting tattoos?
I was 18 when
I got my first tattoo on my ribs!
How would you
describe your style?
My style isn't really a style at all! I just wear what I’m comfortable in. I don’t ever get
fancy unless I have to. 99% of my clothing is black, hoodies and sweaters are
my favorite!
Do you
consider tattoos as a serious art form?
I really do.
So much time and creativity is put into tattoos and I respect tattoo artists so
How do you see
the tattoo culture right now?
I think it’s
becoming popularized and over saturated It’s good because acceptance is growing
stronger, but it is also making scratch artists and poor quality, cheap tattoos
more common as well.
What has been
your inspiration for getting them?
I always was
fascinated by tattoos when I was younger and knew I wanted to have them.
What’s your
favorite piece?
My favorite
piece so far is the dragonfly on my stomach done by my good friend Shaun Kidd.
Do you catch
people starring at you because of your ink?
All the time!
But usually they are friendly stares, not nasty looks!
In your
opinion, do your tattoos change your mood often?
My tattoos don’t
really change my mood at all, they’re just a part of me and who I am!
What’s your
most significant tattoo and why?
It’s really
hard to say which of my tattoos is most significant. They all have a lot of
significance, whether for family or lifestyle or friends. My stomach piece is
pretty bold though, it represents my straight edge lifestyle amongst other
symbolic meanings with the dragonfly and all Seeing Eye.
What advice
would you give to someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
The one thing
I would say is to thoroughly research for a reputable artist! Don’t just
get one because its “cheap”!
Will you be
getting anymore?
I plan to have
my back, and both legs completed in the next six months!
What’s your
biggest inspiration, what keeps you going?
My parents and
my dogs. My parents are really hard working people and my dogs are my babies. I
have to keep going to support them!
What is one
thing that life has taught you?
Life has
taught me not to plan too far ahead. Unexpected things occur and can leave you
heartbroken. Cherish the things and people you love while you can and
appreciate your time with them.
Do you have a
favorite quote?
“I am the
master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”
Anything else
you would like to add?
Thanks to
everyone who’s supported me, this year has been amazing thanks to you!
Photographers Credit: