Shonda Mackey from Scottsdale, Arizona
Where did you grow up?
Florence & Grand
Junction, Colorado.
How was it growing up
there, would you say that it influenced you?
It was nice growing up
there, beautiful and lots of outdoor activities! It influenced me to stay
active and enjoy the outdoors, however, I didn't like the winters so I moved
out to a warmer state!
When did you start
getting tattoos?
I was not allowed to
get tattoos while I was living with my parents, so I had to wait till I was 18!
How would you describe
your style?
A style of its own I
suppose, I cover a lot of genres with my modeling.
Do you consider
tattoos as a serious art form?
I do, it is a form of self-expression.
It’s not easy being the tattoo artist.
How do you see the
tattoo culture right now?
The biggest it has
ever been, it's all over magazine and television. More and more top name/main
stream brands are incorporating tattooed models in their ads!
What has been your
inspiration for getting them?
Each one has their own
story. Whether it's personal, a lesson, a loss of a loved one, or something I
What’s your favorite
I don't like to choose
just one as a favorite piece, they are all my favorite!
Do you catch people
starring at you because of your ink?
Yes, most definitely.
In your opinion, do
your tattoos change your mood often?
Yeah, they help me cope
with what I may be going through at the time. They also help me take my mind
off of things in my current life.
Which tattoo has the
most hours in it and who is the artist?
That would be my right
leg, and I have around 40+ hours into it so far. The artist is Arlo DiCristina
from The Raw Canvas in Colorado.
What advice would you
give to someone wanting to get their first tattoo?
Do your research and
talk to the artist one on one, look at their portfolio and feel out the vibe
with the artist. Be clear with what you want!
Will you be getting
Yes, of course.
What’s your biggest
inspiration, what keeps you going?
It might be the fact
that I know within myself that I can do anything. To realize that what I have
already accomplished is more than I ever imagined I would gain to begin with,
and that the only one that it's going to matter to at the end of the day is
myself and the fans that I have gained along the way.
What is one thing that
life has taught you?
The only thing that
matters is to do what makes you happy every single day, life is way too short
and not guaranteed. Don't put so much effort and obsession into materialistic
items and more so into helping, caring and improving the lives around you.
Do you have a favorite
100's, but here is
one: “Always help someone, you may be the only one that does.”
Anything else you
would like to add?
Just to follow me on
my Facebook fan page and on Instagram to keep up with all my current work!
Photographers Credit:
Lucas Media Production - 1.
Photography by Terrence - 2.
Northern Downpour - 3, 4, 5.